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#1 PRP KIT for Platelet Rich Plasma Extraction

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The #1 Advanced System
For Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Extraction

Juventix Medical offers practitioners a unique business oppurtunity within the regenerative medical industry through a low cost set-up and high margin approach to Platelet Rich Plasma application. This treatment is 100% autologous, which poses no significant risks or side effects to patients and can aid healing for a variety of medical conditions. Expand your patient base with PRP therapy by including the following: pain management, sports injury, cosmetic rejuvenation, hair restoration and sexual regeneration. Order today, and take your first step towards providing superior patient outcomes and generating enhanced revenues.

What is Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)?

Blood is composed of red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma, and platelets. Platelet Rich Plasma is concentrated platelet cells taken from your blood. Platelets are responsible for blood clotting and repair. They have dense quantities of growth factors that aid in the healing process of injuries as well as the rejuvenation of hair, skin. and nerves.

When activated at a site of injury in the body, platelets release proteins FGF, PDGF, TGF-B, EGF, VEGF, IGF, which attract cells and contribute to regrowth. Platelets are able to restore tendons, ligamentous proteins, and cartilage with minimal downtime, when used to treat joint and tendon injuries. Platelets generate new cell growth and stimulate collagen when applied and/or injected into the or skin and hair. PRP therapy is natural, convenient, and safe with many vigorous studies showing PRP therapy to be more effective when compared to other conservative medical treatments. There is no occurrence of allergy or foreign body reaction using PRP therapy as treatment is completely autologous. Juventix Regenerative Medical is changing the way doctors treat pain, injury and aging.

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Juventix PRP Kits provide a competitive advantage in the regenerative medical space by offering superlative clinical outcomes at a commercially reasonable cost. Our kits contain a minimum effective amount of anticoagulant so that the PRP injection is less painful for patients, increasing not only satisfaction, but the chances of completing a full course of treatment.

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